Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship worldwide?


How much is shipping?

Shipping costs depend on the weight of your order. Use our shipping calculator in your cart to find out.

What's your made to order range?

When I say 'we', I really mean 'me'! Kekku is being run by me, Dana, which means everything that goes on between receiving your order and it going out the door is done by just one person. Depending on the volume of orders, you can expect yours to be processed between 3-14 business days.

What size should I get?

All of our t-shirts and crewnecks are true to size. We recommend sizing up one if you want an oversized look, and sizing down for a more fitted look.

Sizing Chart

Do you do custom orders?

When I'm able, I do take custom orders! Send an email to and I'll get back to you with a custom form and we can talk about what can be done (:

Where is KEKKU located?

Toronto, Canada!